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I have an awesome solution... We've all experienced it..."The Fuzzy Monster" hiding i

Let's have a show of hands, how many of you have actually finished an entire can of Tomato Paste when cooking?... Let's be honest.... as much as I cook I've never used an entire can of tomato paste on one meal. I would always store the remainder in the refrigerator. Sometimes I'll forget it's in there, two or three weeks later I go to open the can of tomato paste... And Jezuuuu!! oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ohhhhhhh!!! "THE FUZZY MONSTER" Rete!!! Gade lajan gaspiye...Let me tell you it's one of the scariest things I've ever seen.... I know I'm not the only one.

So a few years ago I started storing my Pate Tomate a little differently. Using a few inexpensive items will assure that your tomato paste will last 2 to 4 months with no problem...

Freezing your tomato paste in ice-trays is a great idea, we've seen it done a millions times.... but just freezing them and putting them in a freezer bag is not enough. You still risk the chance of freezer burn and icicles forming around the tomato paste... I choose to go the extra mile and individually wrap each Frozen cube of tomato paste to assure that there's no possibility of freezer burn occurring. We all know once freezer burn occurs the taste will alter your entire dish making it barely edible. Follow the steps below to assure that your tomato paste last and save you a little money while you're at it.

Items needed:

1 can of tomato paste

1 ice cube tray

1 Ziploc freezer

1 roll of plastic wrap

When you're ready to use the Tomato Paste simply and it to your dish as you would regularly do, the tomato paste will melt into the dish within 1 or 2 minutes..... Easy as 1,2, TWA!!!

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